The Hollywood Scarlets

What's Your Letterboxd Top 4?

Aaron Duke & Sam Mapp

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In the first ever episode of The Hollywood Scarlets, hosts Aaron and Sam get together for a "getting to know you" session. You'll find out what movies are their all time favourites, which popular movie they STILL haven't watched, and what movie remake they would want to star in. 

Our next episode will be released this Thursday, with new ones following every Thursday after, so remember to follow and rate us on your favourite podcast site so you don't miss out! 

Also, follow us on Twitter (X), Tiktok, and Letterboxd and let us know your thoughts on the episode. 

See you next time! 

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first ever episode of The Hollywood Scarlets. I am your first co-host, Aaron. And I am joined by Sam, your second co-host, Sam. Thank you. Just in case you didn't get it the first time we've repeated his name. Yes, yes, and I am Aaron, in case you didn't get that. So welcome to the podcast. This is a film podcast where we talk about whatever the heck we want to talk about in cinema, and we don't really care if you're a film bro, we don't care if you have all of the knowledge of cinema. As long as you have a love for film, you are welcome here to chat with us. This first episode is going to be a bit of an intro for us getting to know us. So you understand a bit more about what we love and film and our favorite films and whatnot. But first of all, we have a segment on our shows called The Weekly Rushes, where we talk about films that we've seen this week and maybe some film news that we want to talk about. So let's get into that. Sam, would you like to kick us off? Well, as we, so politely discussed before recording, I haven't seen any films this week. Sam is a bad film podcaster already. This is the first episode. First episode. And, our first ever segment on the first episode is. What films have you seen this week? And I'm going to start with none. By the way, he knew about this. Like I told him this segment was going to be here. I have been moving! Excuses. I have been moving. Well, I can start with I don't know if you've seen obviously Disney have had a, like a kind of a Brazil comic con, you know, they do like a Disney kind of do a yearly the D23, D23, I, I'm not too sure if this is the D23 or if it, they just they're doing it in Brazil, but they've been out there, and they've, been announced some things. So Incredibles three, for example, being written as we speak. Yes. Are you excited because it's by Brad Bird? If I'm correct, I'm sure everything's the same. And I'm excited 100% what I think they need to time jump. Okay. How far to like when the kids are adults? Yeah, yeah, I think you've got to see them navigate their adult lives as superheroes and like, maybe Bob and Helen kind of retiring. I don't know, I'll leave it up to Brad Bird because he's done very good with the first two he has. I feel like the second got so much more. Not hate necessarily, but I feel like people slept on it. I love the second one. I am a fan of the second one, not as I think the first one. So loved, iconic, iconic in terms of like just introduction to superhero. So I just think in general, I think it's a really good superhero film, but the second one is good. And then for me, it's a bit of a dip. I think she is that when the mind Slayer is, people really didn't like that villain, to be fair, yeah, I did, I do remind that it was her. It was her. It was her I liked, the. Oh, yeah. Well. Oh, it's been out since 2017. I like to think she was. The intentions were there. I think it was good. Good villain. But I just think there was times where, Helen powered Elastigirl was chasing after a bit too much, I think, just get get to the reveal. But then that final, like, ten, 15 minutes of them on the boat, getting the goggles off and then flying off all. Or you can brief you on it. So yes. And then obviously the, they were talking about Toy Story five. This is a controversial topic. Yes. I should have ended it. Three and then they did four I thought I liked four. And again I don't think it undid the ending. The three. Some people might think so I don't because I think it just continued the story. Because number three was like the ending of them. And Andy obviously four was a new story with them and Bonnie then all kind of ends with them. He separated like Woody is now a lost toy, and that should be the ending. But it's Toy Story five because, you know, maybe they're not make enough merch money at the moment from from Woody in Buzz, but it's basically a Buzz Lightyear is the villain. So I think what I think what it is, is a truckload of buzz light years, crash or something like that, and they're all on the way to the toy shop or whatever. And they, malfunctioning was light years where they are stuck in a malfunction in play mode. And there's I think there's about 500 Buzz Lightyear. Haven't we seen, hasn't he battled himself before? So Toy story two? Yeah. He faced himself. Yeah. Obviously a very Toy Story. You know what he was. Yeah. And then Toy Story three, he got put back into demo mode, I think, because it was Spanish for a lot of it, which is great, but I absolutely imagine it must is not an entire concept. Toy story two. But obviously he did buzz like you did fight himself, and he got locked in the box in that, and Rex all for he was was like you and then that I am your father, a incredible, iconic, but, I dunno, Toy Story makes you cry. The third one definitely second one as well. Oh. Jesse's, Jesse getting a, Oh. I don't know when I think of crying and Toy Story, I go to the final scene. The first. All the fun and the ending. Just. Yeah, I just got cry, and he said, I know I'm upset with you in the film now, where you've where you've bowled. Yeah. So what film was that? It was the wild the robot, which if you have not seen it. Yeah. Oh my God. Go and watch that. What a piece of cinema that is. It was. I don't know how to I don't know how to explain it. It was just the perfect encounter. I can't say words. I'm gonna go now. It was perfectly cut out. Like I said, the capsule encapsulation. Now, it was, it was just the animation style. The character is the voice acting, story. The the theme of parenthood, you know, from a, from a parent perspective, but also just the theme of love. Yeah, yeah, love. And we were surrounded by families and we cried. We did cry. And then the film ended and the lights came on, and everyone else is wiping the tears away as well. It was a very community experience, I think, in that regard. What other films have you seen? Because you're going to have to carry this. Oh, is it my turn now? You're going to have to carry this segment, I'm afraid. So. Quick humblebrag or project drop, I guess. I am currently making my own film, my own little short film. So I have been heavy in the research department of that. And part of that has been watching black and white films. Nice. So I rewatched, this week, and this is actually something I'm really interested to talk about. I rewatched The Lighthouse, Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe, yeah. Robert Eggers as the director. Yeah. Black and white, one by one aspect ratio. You know, very interesting film, very artistic. Artist. And I remember when I first watched that film, I rated it as a two star. Okay, I hated it, and then I rewatched it. I fucking loved it. What's the what's the difference? I have no influence between previous Aaron and today Aaron. I genuinely think I have matured to the point where, like, I can see more in cinema. Does that make sense? I don't know if that makes sense, but like I think I was a bit more, harsh. I think that was harsher with with old stuff. And like if it didn't immediately make sense to me, I was like, oh crap, it's terrible. But I think what I've learned as I've as I've gotten older, is to try and see it from the director's point of view and trying to actually think about what the point of it is rather than just, oh, I didn't get it. It's crap, you know? Like, which I think is, the viewpoint I had for a while, which is a viewpoint that far too many people have. Yes. Yes, yes. I think we were talking about this just before the podcast. So, yeah, with the lighthouse, to be fair, Robert Eggers, when he wrote it, he said he intentionally removed the parts that made it clearer. He and he wanted it to confuse you. And I remember when I watched it the first time, that pissed me off because I was like, why would you do that? But now I'm like, no, it's the story he wanted to tell, and it's the story that works. You know? It's it evoked works really well for the whole vibe of it. So I enjoyed it a lot more. I had a really good time with it. No, you know, I've not seen it. Have you not. I've generally not seen it. And it's not through lack of not wanting to because I have I know I know a lot of about it. I've seen like some scenes where very close ups of Willem Dafoe, and I've seen some of Robert Pattinson's acting in it, and it's like very sea chanty guy. But I think Robert Pattinson, terrific actor is so no, I person not seen it, but I know of it. The only black I say the only black and white. But I've seen plenty of black and white films recently is the artist is probably the only one I can. Yeah. Remember watching, which was a long time ago, but I remember being I remember being really good. I remember actually really enjoying it. It won the Oscars, it won Best Acted in it like, I have no idea. You know, honestly, I think he won best actor for it. Yeah. And then he hasn't really done much since. And some people just ride that. Yeah, but he will forever be known as Oscar winner, whatever his name is. You do. You know, I, he is very much known as Sean. Something I know it is something he'll be. No. Like Sean. Like, you know, John. Not Jean, not Jean, but Sean, he's French. Okay? It's French. That explains it. Yeah. This is good. Good movie knowledge for you guys. Yeah. I mean, we're not going to know everything now. Although I, I have watched a lot of black and white movies recently. I've watched, Nosferatu, the original 1920s, which was, which was an experience. Yeah, I've watched The Lodger, which was an Alfred Hitchcock film. Oh, okay. Like asylum, black and white, very, very old school cinema. But very interesting to see. Like some of his earlier work. Nice. I've watched a film called A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, which I told you about. I remember you mentioned as well. Yeah. Very good film. Highly recommend. That was a lot of fun. Yeah. So that's pretty much where my cinema experience has been recently, and it's been fun. I appreciate you telling me and keeping this segment alive. I'll watch films next week for the next episode. I promise the next episode to break the fourth wall here. We're filming in an hour, the next episode after the the episode. So the episode that you hear first, we could know to basically we could do seven the audience. If in the second episode, Sam is going to try and tell us that he's seen films, he's fucking lying to us because it's going to be filmed back to back. Yeah. Yeah, I just going to make up a yeah, it's a good, I'm going to say a film that I know, and then I'm just going to say I watched it. He's going to be like, oh yeah, I watched like all of the Halloween. So here you go, Star Wars. I've you seen what a film. This is what I watch recently. Star Wars actually no. What Star Wars. No no I of them I have that's a different episode. Okay. Well, I think that brings that segment to a close quite nicely, considering my co-host didn't watch anything. Thank you. So now let's move on to today's topic, which is getting to know us. It's like when you're at those awkward corporate events and they go around the group and ask you questions and you say, my name is Aaron, and I like to knit. I don't, but I never knew what to say when no one ever does. No. There was I used to say, I'm ginger and I. I used to think I was really funny for that. But now I look back and I go, well, I'd love I appreciate it. Yeah, I'd love, I do I find that quite funny because then I'd be like, oh God, a ginger disgusting. Yeah. But then also it's like, is he. Well, he's obviously gone. He's obviously boring. He's it. Interesting fact about yourself. I have ginger hair. Is that okay? I mean, it's it's a thing of millennials, isn't it? Well, like if someone asks you about yourself, you suddenly are like, oh, I am the most boring person in the world because you have no idea what's so. Yeah, yeah. So, nice segue here. Let's talk about ourselves, and what we like and yes. Yeah, it's a well selves, you know, it's like it. I have a bunch of questions, for us about films and, like I said, these are all just so you, the beautiful audience listening to this first episode. Thank you. Can get to know us and can get to know what we like. And maybe you disagree with us. Maybe you agree with us. That's the beauty of cinema. We don't all have to agree. Let's start nice. By how many people want you to agree with them, despite any kind of thing that you have against film? You like a film, but if you don't like it, you will be forced to like it. Because. Fandoms. Fandoms I has a whole episode in of itself. Can't wait to film that one. And we get very irate about it as well. So look forward to that guys. Yes yes, yes. You. First question, what do you think of fandoms? Yes. My first question is a nice and easy one. If you, the audience, have not heard of Letterboxd, what have you been doing as a film fan? Yeah, it feels like it's everywhere, like it's inescapable. Letterboxd is a film, social media where you can share reviews about the films you've watched. You can update your friends and family on, what you watched last. And if you are not on it, I highly recommend that's a good time. If you're not on it as well. You've probably seen the TikToks, your four favorite films, your four favorite films, which is the first question, what are your letterbox top four? My little box, top four. Okay, so my first is The Naked Gun. Yes. The Naked Gun is my favorite film of all time. It is a masterclass in deadpan comedy, while also like a genuinely good story. It's obviously Lieutenant Frank Drebin is trying to, there's a plot to kill the Queen. And the ton of Frank Drebin police squad, has to try and infiltrate that, even though he's technically off the of the of the police squad. Leslie Nielsen towards the end of his career, you could argue, became bit typecast. He's all you've got to do. And it's it's that trope of films. You scary movie, a superhero movie. What epic movie? I don't know, whatever kind of parody films that came out, you don't really see much of them now because they were dead and buried after the meet. The Spartans are horrible. Which one it was. But I mean, they they were they were still coming out, but no one talked about them. No. Like you had the Is all stars. The vampires suck. Which was a Twilight ripoff. Oh, they had that one. Was it the superhero movie which had, Drake? Yes. Yeah. And Leslie Nielsen's in that he plays Uncle Ben. So you're onto a winner, basically, because if you film wasn't funny or something like that, you stick Leslie Nielsen in for a couple of scenes. And it was funny. He was always the funniest. Probably plays the president in Scary Movie 3 or 4. He was brilliant in it. So towards the end of that, he was obviously airplane and Naked gun created, kind of like the twilight of his career. But The Naked Gun. Leslie Nielsen as Lieutenant Frank driving, is the one of the funniest film characters you of all time. And I will stand by that. It's funny. Obviously Jim Carrey can play like different like different at The Mask and Ace Ventura. But Lieutenant front drop It for me is yeah, yeah, Mount Rushmore of comedy characters. And he's number one for so funny, so very passionate about Naked Gun. What naked gun is just it's my favorite film of all time. I think it's a perfect blend of just everything. If you want to laugh and then if you want to watch the film again and notice something you see the first time, every time we watch it is new and then you just still laugh at the same, the same jokes. But it's the delivery of the and obviously Leslie Nielsen, he was a serious actor. He wasn't a comedy actor. Which brings me on to my second letterbox film, airplane. So airplane obviously is was written by the same people by The Naked Gun. Probably why I like it so much. So I say it's always a flip between the two when they cook on an airplane for me, but with airplane they, the directors and the writers made specific requests, serious actors to come in and play the role. Because if you get comedy actors playing them, they're going to say in a comedy way, what was perfect about airplane is that it's a satire. You know, you can't say it's a podcast, but obviously quotation marks of my fingers. It's a serious film by by serious actors. And at no point was any line delivered in a comedic way. Yet scientifically, it is the funniest film has ever been. Right? I think there's a lot on. I wrote an essay on this at the secondary school of why airplane is scientifically honest film with might, and it has a laugh every like 30s like you laugh every minute or something like that. Hangover, funny enough, was that I think third or fourth I guess was a damn good hangover is very funny. It's not on my list. Just a nice segue. Interesting about that. I can't remember who was there on a hot One's episode, and they said that the comedy is only funny when the, the characters don't know they're being funny. Yeah, and that's like how you play comedy. And it was very interesting because, the guy I think it was, it might've been like Steve Carell who was talking about something that they were saying, like, serious actors work in comedy because they play it seriously, and the situation's funny, but the character doesn't know that. Yeah. And like, that kind of feeds into that. And yeah, Leslie Nielsen is the king at that. But airplane, I believe is what started it all. That deadpan that, you know, surely you can't be serious. I am serious and don't call me Shirley. Yeah. If I had seen that written down you'd think what a ridiculous thing to say. But the delivery of the line is iconic. And so for I laugh at it every time. Every single time I laugh at that line and, you know, you see it and it's feeding its way into pop culture and stuff. Like, I see a lot on on Twitter or X or whatever you want to call it is, but I think there should be some news headlines, for example, where it goes, oh, I do someone's in hospital. What is it? It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now. It's iconic. It's so silly. It's my is now that I've talked about it, it might be my first favorite film. That's the thing with the two. Interestingly, when I met you, you said it was airplane. Yeah. When your first, your favorite film was airplane. So that's interesting that you flipped it. I think it I think it's I think it's one of those where I watched airplane first and then obviously followed by The Naked Gun. And it's just I think I love The Naked Gun because of airplane. And that's just my style of humor. I just love deadpan. I think story wise, and I think character wise, I'm much more drawn to The Naked Gun, I think. I think I always hold airplane in such high regard, because I'll watch it tomorrow and then I'll go, yeah, that's my favorite film. It happens every time, but I'll do the same. The Naked Gun, I'll watch it tomorrow, but enough. That's my favorite. It's one of the two. It's definitely one of the two now. Three and four. My 3 or 4. This is where it gets a bit. Yeah. This is where it gets very interesting because what people will get to know about me is I'm StarWars nerd. I was nerd and I don't know if this is going to sound really not controversial counterintuitive. For example, I don't want to put Star Wars is one of my top four. Why? Because Star Wars for me is a collective. I love Star Wars just as a whole, but I know for me there are like better films out there. That's the thing to say, you know what I mean? Like like, for example, I'm trying to run it through my head of what I want to. Okay. Yeah. You good show. No, because the reason why is that, like, there are films that have, like, stuck with me. Yeah. That I will, like, never forget kind of thing. And Star Wars is just such a collective. It's I can't I can't pinpoint one particular film that I will say is on my top list because I just love it all. Just love it all. So if I'm sticking with like kind of films, I think my third will be Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or so we talk about. And you mentioned it earlier, comedic serious actors going into comedic roles obviously that's how like yeah I like that when comedic actors go serious, I think is more of a powerful performance. I think they may be a serious actor. Do there's because you don't expect to see it from them. And then you kind of got me thinking, Jim Carrey is a lead, and I've kind of like a quite an emotional kind of drama. And I know he's played it. Truman Show is one of those where it is still a comedy, and there are Jim Carrey moments in The Truman Show where he is a bit, you know, he either elevates his acting performance in internal. It is serious Jim Carrey, and he wasn't nominated at all for that. Blows my mind is he wasn't nominated for I think he was nominated or maybe won the Golden Globes for Truman. But Oscar wise, he's never been nominated. And he wasn't nominated for Truman. And you think maybe they would, you know, as I like to give out the Oscars, where are we probably should have given you for this for Caprio at Rio Scorsese you for the departed. You think. Yeah. This is your this is your Oscar actually, for Goodfellas. Yeah. You know, at the time. And funny enough, you know, Jim Carrey's never been that. So maybe would he be nominated for turn, which I think he should have been? He wasn't. But I watched that for the first time with Lana when we were laying in our, we were in our uni halls and we watched a little small TV and why uni hall, stuff like that. I was like, remember what made us want to watch it? But I think I was just like, I just feel we've always wanted to take a with Lana. If you want to get along to watch a film, say it's a rom com, but if you're watching who's in it or what it is, it's a so she we watched it and I just remember coming away from that field gone. Wow. But I didn't watch it again I'm like eight years. Not through any I didn't want to wait that long to watch it because it was a little bit of a running joke between me and I like I have to watch you turn to again not. Yes we got to, we got to. Yeah. If it did and then it was off. He was like last year it was like on Sky movies. And I said, oh no, we talked about this for like eight years. Shall we watch it turn on again. Yes. Let's do it. So boom, we watched it again. And the second time you just felt I felt it so much more the second time. Whether that's because you know me a lot of a lot more mature in our relationship than we were the first time we watched it. You know, everyone goes through so much and I've watched it more as an adult. You know, I watched it when I was 18. I'm now, you know, I'm 22 or 28 now. But watching I was 27. So we've been through all of that and I just felt it a lot more the second time. And as filmmaking and story goes up, it was incredible. So that's my third. Okay. What's your fourth? Fourth is always the hardest. Always. I don't want to leave one out. It will it will remember and it will feel angry towards you forever. One is going to be left out because we're coming into Christmas. We're going to put a Christmas movie. No, no. But nope in if you ask me. In January they forced me February, March. You know, I probably wouldn't have, but I can't go to Christmas without watching It's a Wonderful Life. I can't do it. And that should say something about it's my favorite. If it's my one of my favorite Christmas films, should it be one of my favorite films. It's a, it's a conversation to be had. But anyway and also what you'll notice as well is that we and viewers, you will hear this throughout the length of this podcast, for weeks and years that go by. We love horror. We do. We are horror fanatics. Yes, but a horror doesn't make what's up for a oh, I will be differing on that. I, I can, I can I'm not surprised. What is my for fire. Is it on your letter box right now? Do you not have your top four picks? Oh, no. What do I have? Where is it? Okay, where would I find it? On your profile. So help me. Help me. Yeah, I've got likes. I just got liked. Oh, no. Oh, yeah. You don't actually have a top four. Oh. Oh, well, this is interesting. Oh. Sorry. Sorry. So my fourth. Okay. My fourth favorite film is up. Okay. So again, another essay that I wrote in my sixth form film studies age was how sound and editing convey emotion in the opening montage. And the opening montage of up is I've that you can any romantic comedy or any film in 90 minutes cannot show how perfect, of a life on a story in two minutes. They they got married, miscarried, they carried on, and then she died. And you've just. You were with them throughout their whole life in a two minute montage. Incredible writing, incredible editing, incredible directing, everything about that. And that's not the reasons I loved the whole film, the entire film of Carl and Russell and a doc. Oh my God, dog is the best. And screw Germany this so. And the, Charles Munster villain is an amazing villain. And it's, I think it's I, it's my favorite Pixar film. I think, again, I guess maybe I'm viewing more Toy Stories collectives. I love your stories. I love The Incredibles, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo pop up, so I think so. Standalone is so on its own in terms of everything that goes without a fourth. I do not remember the majority of up because up to me is that opening montage. That's the film. Yeah. And like I that's just speaks to the power of that opening montage, the balloons where he's blown off to Paradise Falls and yeah, but like, genuinely, if you ask me to recall the entire plot of up, I know bits like, I know you have Doug with his necklace. I know you have the balloons. I know they go to like a thing. They go to a place in the sky. Like, genuinely. This is what I mean. I don't remember a lot of it. Well, but the a montage. Yes, I remember that. And to be fair, the ending of the film, we're like towards the end of the film where he sat in his chair and he's opening through the memories books. Yes. Like you're. Oh yeah, goosebumps are done. Get those down before the next one. Yeah. Can you show that to the, to the listeners real quick? I haven't looked at this. I'm sorry. At the microphone. Oh. Then okay, so you're top four naked gun airplane up and turn as well as mind interesting collective. Definitely feels like comedy is where you go. I, I like to laugh. You like to laugh through me. This would be a contrast of what you're about to tell me. Well, for, So let's start with my with my with my top, film of all time, my first Forest Gump. Oh, wow. Okay. Forest Gump is my favorite film of all time. I fucking and all that film. Oh, okay. I know recently it's kind of come into conversation where people are talking negatively about it. There's this idea of it being essentially, a propaganda film for American communism. Okay, American Dream, quote unquote. And, you know, I can see the point, but for me, it's a film about destiny. It's a film about fate, and it's a film about hope. And I think it hits like pretty much every genre in one film and does so, so seamlessly in the way that you don't even feel like, oh, they've just switched to war. They've just switched to thriller, you know? Yeah, just a phenomenal film. And easily for me. Tom Hanks best performance is incredible in that film. And I love the fact as well that his voice from fact, we didn't know the voice of Forrest Gump was taken from the kid. Because they hide the kid. And that kid spoke in that weird way. Yeah. And, the director, Rob, Robert Rodriguez, you know, he's the director of Forrest Gump. You know, my favorite film. Robert Zemeckis. I was just about to say, back to the future. Yes, he came to Tom Hanks one day, and he was like, listen, we got a problem. This kid's just not speaking like you. We need to fix it. And Tom was like, well, I'll just speak like him. And so we spent weeks with this kid learning how it's how we spoke and then adopted that voice. And I think that's just an amazing thing. I just go Hanks as a person as well. Yeah. Happy that so that's number one okay. Number two is my favorite horror film of all time, which is John Carpenter's The Thing. Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. Well, mom's going to be a big fan of that. This because I think that's one of her favorite films of all time, as well as the thing it is an incredible not only is like the special effects incredible. And just the creature effects wise up. Yeah. Just like that in and of itself is incredible. But also just how it builds tension, how it keeps you on edge. It's it's just a masterclass of horror. Isolate it in kind of one area where you can't escape, I think is such a you got a key for that entertaining. And so that obviously they can't escape. But you've also got to root for them to overcome. And but I think the thing does that, that you just said as well, this idea of being locked in one location is coming back in horror in such a strong way. Yeah. We've had heretic. We've had to speak no evil. We've, you know, all these films that lock the characters in with the villains, essentially. And I, we spoke to our friend Lou about this, and she said that she reckons it's because of Covid and the lockdown and, residual fears and discomfort as a society of that, which I think is a really good insight. Yeah. Yeah. On this podcast I know. Right. Shout out to Lou with the film theory knowledge. So that's second one. The third one, you've heard me spoke about this all the time, I guess on the substance. It is the substance, yes. A recent film, which came out starring Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley. An absolutely phenomenal experience. It was an absolute experience. It was a correct. Yes. This is actually a film that me and Sam went to watch together, and we came out of the cinema with Lou again. Shout out to Luca. Yeah. And none of us could speak. None of us had words for what we had just experienced. And like that. If you haven't watched it, I'd recommend. However, it is a very intense body horror. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Very, very. The themes running through the film that surrounds it are insane and so insanely good and so well-acted. Yes, it's. Yeah. Demi Moore in that film, portraying a woman, in the later stages of her life, going through what her identity is, what her beauty standards are, the the standards that Hollywood in society hold for women in that position. Incredible. And just broke my heart. Played with such vulnerability. Yeah, I would be. We come into awards seasons and if her name's not at least first or second on those lists. It won't be if you see the whole it with hereditary and and Toni Collette who put in a phenomenal performance, that scene at the dinner table. Yeah. And it's because it's horror. Yeah. Because I mean same with like Marvel, Marvel and DC of superhero films because it's a different kind of acting. I mean, I'm not I don't agree with it. It's a topic and it's a whole different topic. And then my fourth, Letterboxd, which I think changes recently, was Emperor's New Groove, nice, which is a phenomenal animated film and tied very closely with Lilo and Stitch from my top Disney film of all time to stitch Square. So yeah. But currently my my number four is everything everywhere all at once. Do I rethink it? Watch out for still. No, no no, I stick with my top four. However, only that film I, I called my mom after that film. Yeah. And a tradition with me and my mom. I, whenever we see a film or anything like that, we always even give each other a quick call or depending on what we've just watched or whether it's just a quick, just or this today. Right. But that one on face time, I was like, I just watched it very. I cannot tell you what just happened, but in the best possible way, it's unlike anything I've ever seen. Yes, in the best way possible. Does this really interesting. I'm not even going to say it's new, because it's not because I think a lot of old directors would make their start in music videos, and then they'd work their way up. You know, it was a very common thing. I think you see it more with short films nowadays. But, the people who directed that, the two Daniels that I think they're known as, they directed the turn down for what music video, if you remember that, I remember which if you haven't seen it, audience go and watch that because it is an absolute trip. And then they bring that energy into a feature length film and you can just tell and it's brilliant. And then we saw something similar with the, the Rick, Erica, YouTube channel. They did talk to me. Oh yeah. And they again, they bring that energy into this film and it's it, I love it. It's like a period of cinema which I'm absolutely adoring, these indie creators being a chance, being given the chance to just be themselves and make something they want to just create. Yeah, exactly. That's my letterbox stuff. Fall. I think we're we're quite different. We're quite different there. Yes I think yeah. But like also we've both appreciated, I think each other's films if not both guy I've never I don't know what you're talking about. Like really it's just one of those I love film, I love them and there are so many more that could be. And it's annoying that it's only for about like, what an amazing number as every time I see the top five to people, right? We spend a lot more time on that than I expected. So I'm going to quickfire question you. Okay. We'll try and answer quickly, but yes, as you know, I struggle to talk a good which is not a good. I struggle to talk and that I do it too much. Know what I like? Words are there, but then bringing them to my mouth doesn't doesn't work. Which is not. Yeah. Ideal, trait to have in a podcast. I would say this is the first episode. You know, I'm into revealing things. So. So. Okay, so, quickfire. Quick fire. Quickfire. Quickfire. Guilty pleasure movie. Quickfire. Sounds so sorry. Guilty pleasure movie would have to be that a did it, did it, did it, you know, it's that's a topic to have in itself, right? Because I don't feel guilty about the things I like. Okay, let me reframe the question. A film that everybody seems to hate, but you love, cannot. That's my answer. Is that yours? Yeah. That's not literally on my letter box. My bio is the Cat in the hat is a masterpiece. And I'll die on this hill. Oh, I will join you on that hill. It is such a good film. It is. It is really funny. A lot of people. Yeah. Do not like it. No. And it's the reason that Doctor Seuss's estate no longer allowed live action remakes of the war. And I think they need to reconsider. Oh, God, what a film. All right, favorite actor and actress? And I'm going to allow you two. Okay? Okay. Quickfire. Jim Carrey. Okay. Can do it. Oh, yeah. I, I like an actress currently. Lee I'm really, a big fan of General Tiger at the moment. Okay. I think, yeah. Described her as the modern day, Winona Ryder. Yes. And considered she's Ginger. Yeah. I think she's. I think she's very, very, very good. I like I like Hunter Schafer. I think she's a very talented. Interesting choice I like it, yeah. I think she's very, very talented in. I've not seen euphoria. I've heard horror things about euphoria. I've heard it's not a good play. Good set to be. But I think she's in. Is it kind of kindness? Yes. And she's a, she's, cuckoo period as well. When she played the lead in that, I think she's just going from strength to strength. I'm a big fan of her. And my other favorite actor would be. Oh, gosh, I Pedro Pascal. I've got to say, Sadie, I have to say he's, He he's brilliant. And everything he does, he is great. He brings such a good performance to everything. Yeah. I mean, like, the elevates it. So. Yeah. Those are my four. All right. Mine. Let's go for the actresses first. Apologies if I say her name incorrectly. Lupita Nyong'o. Yes. Yes, she is phenomenal. And Florence Pugh, Florence Pugh is very close on my list. Yes. I think she's, so talented. I just I'd like to go for a drink with her. Yes. She's got that kind of vibe of, very chilled. Typical British, but very down to earth. So you can imagine her being. Yeah. I don't know what she's like in real life. She seems to be that. She seems to be she. I hope she's everything I want her to, And then actors going, gonna go for an old style one here. Tom Hanks. Yeah I'm hanks is he never Mrs.. I can't think of a bad Tom Hanks. Well I can cloud Atlas. Was that, he was not. There's also the circle, which would no one have watched I watched they had, Oh. Emma Watson in the wasn't a it's got a beard in it. Sure. That's that's all I could tell you about it. It wasn't a top tier film. And then the second one is Joseph Quinn. Really? Another up and coming? Not every film he's in, he's incredible. And, a Quiet place, day one with Lupita and Joseph. Oh, my God, what a film. What a film. Yeah, yeah, very excited to see more from from those three. And then whatever Tom Hanks comes out with I watch I don't care what it was. The new one is coming out. It's all set in. What the cameras and one less. It's a it's a Mexican isn't it. And it's Robin Wright. It's literally the three Forrest Gump. Yeah. Paired up again. I don't know. I haven't heard and I don't know when it's release. I don't know what the what the reactions are like. As a from a filmmaker perspective, I am hooked, I am intrigued, how are you going to keep me hooked in one camera angle for 90 minutes? Yeah. So you haven't heard about the film. It basically the keep it. It's one the camera doesn't move, the camera is in one place and you watch a line around it. Yeah. You watch your life go, and it sounds very interesting. I think it's gonna be one of those films where all the hits or it really misses polarizing people. I think filmmaking kind of people are going to be like, wow, I think you generally like struggle. Robert Zemeckis, as a director, by the way, just pushes boundaries constantly. Wow. Well, you did Polar Express Express. Did you do Beowulf as well? Maybe. I'm not sure. Actually. It's the same style, isn't it? It's like it's not animation, but everything's done live action. But then I kind of put into it. He did do very well. He did it is Forrest Gump come here. Yeah. Just always pushing boundaries quite far. Yeah. Sorry. Hello. This is nice segue, actually, to be fair. Favorite director? My favorite director is, first out of all, I feel. Is it controversial now to say Chris Nolan? No, I think Chris Nolan has a takes. Like, all you've got to tell me is the new Chris. No. Two films coming out next week, next year early. His next film is a vampire film. It's a horror film starring Tom Holland and Zendaya and Matt Damon's in it as well. And that's what I mean, like a Chris Nolan horror film. Yeah. Hell yeah. As we Got a say, a horror film starring Tom Holland, Zendaya, Matt Damon. Okay, good cast. I'm a Chris Nolan horror film on there. I'm first in line. So another thing that you will learn about me and probably yourself are, is we're Batman fans. We are huge fans. And I think he's his take on the modern day superhero has pretty much shaped what you are watching now is through Batman Begins. Yes, I think it is. I don't think it's unfair to say and The Dark Knight, one of the best films ever made. Exactly. And The Dark Knight Rises, I still I think it's great if you don't like it. It's, Again, it's another topic, but Chris Nolan, in terms of inception, interstellar, I remember going to the cinema to watch interstellar. I got amazed by it. Yeah. Now that's personal. And cool. Mine. Or I feel like mine is a real difficult question because as someone who wants to be a director, like, I feel like it's a hard one, but I think at the moment I'm going to go with Ari Aster. Ari Aster did hereditary, he did Midsommar. He did the one with, Jacqueline Cameron's name. It bow is a fright. Thank you. Bows. Afraid? Yeah. So he's a really interesting director. He has a lot of really cool ideas. And interest in what he does. Name is like Robert Eggers. Robert Eggers. You know, I didn't really like The Northman personally, but I respected it. I respect to what he did with it. Yeah. Here we go. This one's an interesting one. Is it quickfire? Because these are not. I'm trying to make them quick. I'm so sorry. I I'm so sorry. All right, let's do actual quick fire ones. Favorite horror movie, The conjuring, the conjuring. Wow. No, you said it like, no, I panicked. No, it's not my favorite horror film. My favorite horror film is not right. I'm sorry. The original. Yeah, without the original. Just making sure here it would be our first audience. I'm on our mind. The thing I've already said. Yeah, the thing is my favorite, favorite Christmas movie? It's one of, the Grinch how the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Jim Carrey one. You keep changing your answers. No, I don't mind. Is love actually. Yes. Incredible. I can't I, I, I, I think tradition I have to watch oh it's a wonderful life every Christmas Eve. Yep. But you will find it and you will find out. For those that don't know, we work together. Being around, I found that out now. Yeah. Wow. Wow. I've. I just been that anonymous. Is I, I can quote every Grinch line and I will do it. I will do it in the voice. Same. I found the sweatshirt that has the. Ooh. That's it. I like, okay. Another quick fire. Hopefully an actor or an actress with the most stellar career, Cillian Murphy. And, Okay, nice. I think he's so good about his roles. He's so particular. You could argue Grant as well. Can't you think of a bad Hugh Grant film? If I'm being honest, you're looking. No actually how are you? I mean, music and lyrics was a bit of a mess, I think. But it wasn't a necessarily about. It. Was Hugh Grant film. Yeah. He. No, he knew what he was doing. Yeah. Right. His career and his, his current career as well. Oh my God. The direction that's taken with heretic and and the gentleman very excited to see what he does. Yeah. Yeah. And you know what. Yeah I'm going to stick with myself in the two choices. Yeah I'm gonna go with Tom Hanks. Yeah. I, we said earlier I don't think he's really missed. And Emma Thompson, good shout, who is not only a talented actress but won the Academy Award for writing Sense and Sensibility. Oh, wow. She's just an incredible creative all around. And she's brilliant. Yep. Never misses. Never misses that. Mrs., might have one more for never miss Mrs. Harrison Ford. Me Harrison ford. Mrs.. Mrs.. Lot. Yeah. I'm not actually the biggest fan of him. I think, for example, a conspiracy theory I have. Okay. Is that Blade Runner everybody like in Blade Runner? That's a conspiracy theory, because I don't like stopping. But you look at look at the filmography of the man. He's handsome, he's Indiana Jones is Blade Runner. There was that film he did with Michelle Phifer. Did a lot of series of horror film. Very good. So I could remember that. But then he kind of pops up in, like, cameo, like his on command cameo is so funny. I came out to, I just, I like yeah, I was for this part of. But, what is I we know the answer to this, but I'm going to give you a chance to put it on, like, on, is this is this one that I can actually answer quick? Yeah. This is a quick phone. I swear to God, if you don't quickfire this one question in your entire existence, I would change my mind on it. What is your favorite film franchise? Oh, there we go. Yeah. I, mine at the moment is a quiet place. Yeah, all three of them are bangers. Yeah. Okay. They have not missed. And I think I think respect needs to be given to that. I can't disagree I haven't, I haven't seen the, the part. Oh the day one day one I haven't seen day one yet. Genuinely my favorite of the three. So looking at the watching the trailers for I look I prefer I saw it, I watch it about yeah, I've got it. Oh yeah, I watch it tonight. And I can say and I guess I'll ask, what did you watch a film you're most excited to introduce your children to? So I it was So I've already have. Okay. The Grinch. Yes. Christmas I was I wanted to sit down with both of them. Watch The Grinch. We watched monsters Inc the other day as well. That was like I we made a lot of travel. Like, how have we never shown that monsters like and Toy Story and obviously we will watch. So I think so I've tried to do Star Wars with them. Not a lot happens in A new Hope that could grip a five year old. And obviously. But I'm not just going to show them round ones. You guys follow the story. I'm just show showing random. And then I think I was looking at because there was obviously they did the Lego ones they do in the Clone Wars, TV show and I my nose and eyeballs. I've kind of been doing that. I've got like lightsabers. So they know and you know, they know that I like Star Wars Lego Star Wars game as well. Oh, banger. You know, you know, they used to play but he's playing Lego Incredibles now another banger all he plays Star Wars. But I'm not of the, you know, the the parenting of you have to like it because I like it. Yes yes yes yes. Oh when they get a bit older to understand and I'll be like, hey, Star Wars. And if he, if he likes it, great. If he, if he doesn't and she doesn't, I'm fine. All right, I like it. I obviously don't have children. Oh did you not know. Oh, I have a cat. That's good sign if you want to hang up the. We don't talk about. Oh, I don't, I do have a brother who is, Oh. I'm not sure this one, mom, because I don't think I'm right that he's 6 or 7. He's one of those two. I think, you know, he's six. He actually had his birthday last month. Hi. I went congratulations on having your brother's birthday. I got it. So I've been kind of introducing him to things. I think for me the answer would be Jurassic Park. I call it beautiful. I love that film was part of my top four in that box for a while as well, but I took it. But the substance. The substance? Yeah. This is, this is an interesting one. I think if you could star in a remake of any movie, what would it be? Oh, of what a. Oh, that's a good question. That's a good question. That opens up a whole argument of why we were making it all. Do we need to remake film? Ignore it. Quickfire. Oh, did you really ask this question? I think it's going to be quick five nonetheless. But a quick, if I had to, remake or reboot or just kind of, it was remake, the what was the remake? I want to remake anything I want to I'd like to reboot things because I like those kind of sequels that are like, okay, we can expand it, say obviously a remake, a reboot, or a live action of an animation or so that's the conversation as well. So that's like a nice quick for a nice quick fire man. 1 or 2 is coming out at the end of November, and then the live action is coming out next year. Explain that to me. But I think I would like to be in a nightmare on Elm Street kind of reboot ish kind of interest. I'd love to do something like that. I've always, I don't know if I'd want to be. I don't think I'd ever be Freddy Krueger, but I've always kind of wanted to play like a villain. Yes, yes, I feel like that's more intriguing to me. Like someone that's running away from the. Yeah, no, not so much. Because obviously plenty of good final girls and final against them. But I, I'd play a villain I would as well 100%. Yeah. I don't know who would be like I'd love to play Ghostface Sutton. I'll be quite fun. But then, obviously a lot of that is behind the mask. I actually have a Ghostface mask in my room right now. You want to be. You want to play Ghostface or you, This is how you get involved in this story? That'd be fair. We haven't seen a Ghostface with a podcast yet. That's the next one. The seventh. Right. Yeah. I'll say scream because it's quite five. What's a sequel that was better than the original Empire. Empire? Okay. Empire. Yeah, yeah. Empire expands on everything that was good about Star Wars. Shrek two. Shrek two I've said is, is infinitely better. Let's go controversial for the last one, I love it. Last episode for this controversial. We've got to set the tone the most well known or well-regarded film you have. Not this, Lord of the rings. For me recently, that was the same as well. Yeah. I've never seen any of the Lord of the rings film, and maybe I watched I've watched rise of the planet of the apes. James Franco one. Yeah. And then the second one after that. And then I haven't seen the rest of them ever seen the reason I, I've not seen the original cast, but my first introduction to the apes, James Franco, which, you know, one was, Tom Felton and James Franco. Yeah. That's the same one, isn't it? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, I see. Yeah. So but even though I've heard they, they get extremely better throughout. Yeah, yeah throughout it I've never seen him I'm not seen him. But yeah. Lord of the rings I think if you were to, if people would say you are not not saying like that happened to me so many times and then our friends have genuinely forced me into watching them, which I'm doing. I've seen one of them. I don't doubt that they are great and I'm not sat here going, never watching it. I would love to watch it. I just haven't watched it. It's just one of those. Yeah, you just don't. I mean, as long as films go, I mean, yeah, I'm sure they hold the record for most Oscar nominations as well, I think. I think they do. Oh, one of them does. Yeah. They were really, they swept. They swept the Oscars. I'm not expanding on mine. I'm just going to give it The Godfather. And we will not the no, no, no docket. We leave it. Fine. All right. And that is the first episode. Thank you all so much for listening. I hope you've gotten to know a little bit more about us and what we're about. Going forward, our episodes will consist of us kind of delving into topics, so I know that some has one lined up. For the second episode, he will present the second episode and be the host of it, and then the third will be me, and we'll go back and forth and we'll switch and swap. And so you'll have a little bit both of us. Yeah. But if you've enjoyed this, please remember to follow on your podcast service, which is either going to be Apple Music or Spotify, I believe. I don't think we're going anywhere else. No, no. Yeah, yeah. They're have to follow each of us on Letterboxd. Sam is Sam map? I am Aron Duke. Drops on there. You can check out our reviews. Be nice. Let us know what you think as well. Follow us on X, which I believe Sam has the art of. Oh, yeah, it's art hall. Scar polska. Oh, scar hoa. Oh, that's all that was available at the moment. It may change in future episodes, but if you're listening to the first one, it's that. And then also follow us on TikTok. I don't have the art yet because it was my job to set it up, and I'm terrible and haven't done that yet. But yeah, we will be on TikTok. Follow us. We can't tell you what it is. Follow us at, The Hollywood Scarlett at TikTok. And then we also have a topic, well, sorry, a way of ending, podcasts each week, which is that we want to give you a film to watch. We want to have our own little film club with the Hollywood Scarlett. So do you have a recommendation for this week's, Yeah. Please watch The Naked Gun. Please watch it. Because it is. It's it's obviously my favorite film of all time. And you watching it may help you understand my humor and my my sense of my sense of humor, basically. So. But just in terms of, I reckon if anyone hasn't watched The Naked Gun and they watch it for the first time, I think they will be surprised at how much they're like, oh, I think I've, I've heard this, I've seen this before kind of thing. And that's, that's what I think. So, so audience, I will be joining you on that because I haven't actually seen that film. Please watch it. Not for next week, though, because with me that now. Yeah. My recommendation is everything everywhere all at once. If you haven't seen that, it is an absolute amazing time. It is on Prime, I believe. Amazon sponsor us. Thank you very much. And if you do manage to go watch those, please let us know on Twitter and letterbox what you think and give us your thoughts. We would love to, open the discussion to that. And I think that brings us to the end. Unless you have any final thoughts now I have no thoughts. Amazing. Thank you. Up a quickfire. Yeah, that's the quickest question I've answered today. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it. Keep an eye out for the second episode, which will be coming out next week. Go and enjoy some movies. Go and love something. Go and have fun with a movie and don't listen to anyone who tells you it's terrible because they suck, suck and have a fantastic week. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

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